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This page contains more details on the Latin/French/Italian language footnotes in the script:


KULYGIN. Feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes (pg 20)

I have done what I could, let those who can do better

Feh-chi quoh-odd paw-too-ee, fah-chi-ahnt meh-li-or-uh poh-ten-tays

KULYGIN. Mens sana in corpore sano (pg 21)

A healthy mind in a healthy body

Mens sah-na in cor-por-ay sah-no

KULYGIN. O, fallacem hominum spem (pg 55)

Oh, a deceiver of men, the hope

O fah-la-chem (h)om-i-noom spem

KULYGIN. In vino veritas (pg 63)

In wine there is truth

In vee-no vair-i-tas

MASHA. Amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant (pg 69)

I love, you love, they love (singular), we love, y'all love, they love (plural)

Ah-mo, ah-mahs, ah-maht, ah-mah-moos, ah-maht-ees, ah-mahnt

KULYGIN. Omnia mea mecum porto (pg 70)

All that is mine I carry with me

Om-nee-uh may-uh mee-coom por-toh

KULYGIN. Modus vivendi (pg 79)

Way of living

Moh-dus vi-ven-dee

KULYGIN. Ut consecutivum (pg 81)

A means of living, a temporary compromise

Ooht con-seh-coo-tee-voom


*Natasha's French is often intentionally inaccurate

CHEBUTYKIN. Venez ici (pg 38)

Come here

Ven ee-see

NATASHA. Je vous prie, pardonnez moi, Marie, mais vous avez des manieres en peu grossieres (pg 45)

Please, forgive me, Marie, but you have some rough ways

Jeh voo pree, par-dohn-ay mwah, Marie, may voo ah-vay day mahn-yai(r) ahn poo grow-syai(r)

NATASHA. Il paraît, que mon Bobik déjà ne dort pas (pg 45)

It seems that my Bobik already does not sleep

Il pah-ray, kay mohn Bobik day-jah nay do(r) pah

NATASHA. Il ne faut pas faire du bruit, la Sofia est dormee déjà. Vous êtes un ours (pg 91)

Don't make noise, Sofia is already sleeping. You're a bear

Il nay foh pah faih(r) doo broo-eet, la Sofia et dor-mee day-jah. Voo et oon ohrs

NATASHA. Ç'est un peu passé (pg 97)

A little past/out of style

Say oon poo pah-say


TUZENBACH. Affettuoso con amore (pg 64)

Tenderly with love

Ah-fet-yoo-oh-so con ah-mor-(ay)

TUZENBACH. Espressivo (pg 64)



TUZENBACH. Maestoso (pg 64)




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