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This page contains more details on the Russian language footnotes in the script:



mEElaya: Dear

всё равно

vsYO ravnOH: Doesn't matter

This phrase takes on an enormously important role in the script. It can also be translated as "it's all the same." Even if you don't say this phrase in Russian, look to see where that sentiment is reflected in similar words in English -  it almost definitely was "всё равно" in the original Russian.

На здоровье

nah zdrOHviya: To your health

A common phrase to use when toasting.


хорошая моя

harOHshaya maYA: My good

This phrase is used as a general way to express affection.

O Боже мой

Oh bOHzjay mOY: Oh my god

This phrase is one of the ones that remains from the Russian spoken in the Orthodox Church (OCS). This means that it can be spoken with even more forward resonance and deeper vowels.


krasEEvaya: Beautiful

До свиданья

dah​ sveedAHnya: Goodbye for now

This phrase is commonly used and can also be translated as "til we meet again."


proshAYtyeh: Goodbye forever

This word is less common in everyday use because it's the word you use to say goodbye to someone or something you'll never see again. As Fedotik says in our script, it's "more permanent."


daragAYa: Sweetheart

OLGA. Twenty-eight. I’m only 28… всё хорошо, everything is good… but if I’d gotten married - if I’d been a married, stay-at-home wife - everything would have been better.

visYO haraSHO: Everything is good

CHEBUTYKIN. (Reading a newspaper as he walks) Baldness. A cure for baldness? If your hair’s falling out… два золотника нафталина… dissolve and rub it on daily.

dvAH zolOHtnika naftAHlina: Two spools of napthalene

CHEBUTYKIN. (Kisses her hands, tenderly) Птица моя белая… 

petEEtsa mAYa bYElaya: My white bird

SOLYONY. In twenty-five years, you’ll already be dead. Two or three years is more likely. Even sooner if I kill you first, ангел мой.

AHnghel mOY: My angel

CHEBUTYKIN. Кто это? They’re calling me downstairs. I’ll be back up in a minute… won’t be long…

ktOH EHtuh: Who is it

ANFISA. Пойдём, батюшка Ferapont Spiridonich, пойдём.

piedYOm bahtyOOshka... piedYOm: This way, little father... this way

CHEBUTYKIN. Over the top… ну вас совсем!

noo vas sovsYEm: Well, you

ANFISA. He’s on his way. Irinushka, be a nice and polite little girl, да? (Going out) It’s already time for lunch… Господи… 

dah: Yes

ghOHspodi: Lord

This phrase is one of the ones that remains from the Russian spoken in the Orthodox Church (OCS). This means that it can be spoken with even more forward resonance and deeper vowels.

CHEBUTYKIN. Pierogi? Великано!

vyelikAHna: Great

VERSHININ. I’ll take some vodka. На здоровье, ваше здоровье!

vAHshay zdrOHviya: To your health (more formal)

This phrase is very similar to "На здоровье" except that it's conjugated differently. The "здоровье" means health, and the "Ha" refers to the informal you. Therefore, "ваше" refers to the formal you. It basically functions as the "usted" form in Spanish.


ANDREY. Челуха. (He reads.) Were you ever in Moscow?

chelOOhuh: Nonsense

 VERSHININ. She’s, she’s… ничтожество! She’s a petty, insignificant woman.

neeshtOHzjestvuh: Petty, insignificant

ANFISA. (Coming up to Masha) Have some tea, матушка. (To Vershinin) Have some tea, sir. Пожалуйста, I can’t remember your name…

mahtyOOshka: Little mother

puhzjAHlstuh: Excuse me

NATASHA. This morning, I said “Good morning, Bobik; good morning, милый!"

mEElee: Dear

VERSHININ. (Quietly) My wife poisoned herself again. I have to go, I’ll just slip out. It’s awful. (Kisses Masha’s hand) Милая моя, славная, хорошая женщина… I have to go.

slAHvnaya: Glorious

zjEHnshina: Woman

ANFISA. Where has he gone? I’ve just served tea… Экой какой!

EHkoy kAHkoy: What a one

CHEBUTYKIN. Нет, ангел мой. Chehartma isn’t an onion, it’s a roast mutton.

nyet, AHnghel mOY: No, angel mine

MASHA. Mещанка bitch!

mishyANka: Bourgeoisie

ANFISA. That’s what they told me. Выдумали! And there’s people in the yard, too, they’re half-naked!

vwEEdoomalee: You thought

FERAPONT. Yes. In 1812, Moscow burnt down, too. Господи мы боже, the Frenchmen were surprised!

ghOHspodi mi bOHzjeh: Oh my lord

This phrase is one of the ones that remains from the Russian spoken in the Orthodox Church (OCS). This means that it can be spoken with even more forward resonance and deeper vowels.


ANFISA. Родная моя, золотая моя, I’m struggling. I’m working away - wasting away…

rahdnAYa maYA, zolOHtaya maYA: My dear, my golden

CHEBUTYKIN. God damn it all… Черт бы всех побрал... They think I’m a doctor and can cure everything but I know absolutely nothing. I’ve forgotten everything I’ve ever known and now I remember nothing, nothing, ничего, ничего, ничего.

chAYrt vee vehsEHck pobrAHl: God damn it all

neechivO: Nothing

CHEBUTYKIN. Yes, I used to know a hell of a lot twenty-five years ago. But now - решительно ничего.

rishEEtyelna neechivO: Absolutely nothing

CHEBUTYKIN. And so did the others, just like me! Пошлость! Низость!

pOHshlost! nEEzost!: Vulgarity! Baseness!

The word "Пошлость" is a very strong word in Russian. 

TUZENBACH. Stop! It’s nothing. Ну, что право...

noo schto prAHva: Well, it's true

ANDREY. My dear sisters, моя дорогая, красивая sisters! (Crying) Masha, моя сестра

maYA sehstrUH: My sister

VERSHININ. Well, thank you for everything. Спасибо.

spasEEbuh: Thank you

VERSHININ. Let me go… It’s time. (To Olga) Bозъмите её, мне уже...

vozmEEtyeh yeYO, mney oozjAY: Take her, I already

Yes… такая история… I’m tired - exhausted - I won’t say more…

takAYa istOHriya: Such a story


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